19.13.8 Procurement

Standard. No University Personnel shall acquire or otherwise implement any Information Technology for use in connection with a University Program that is not Accessible and capable of providing Full and Equal Access (as applicable) as defined in this Policy.

Approved resources. The Accessibility Coordinator shall endeavor to maintain a list of approved applications, software, hardware, and Information Technology services.

Procurement process. The Accessibility Coordinator shall be involved in the purchase and acquisition of all Information Technology resources, to ensure compliance with the requirements contained in this Policy. Any procurement requests for which an exemption is requested pursuant to Section 19.13.10 of this Policy must be coordinated by the Accessibility Coordinator, including (as applicable) a determination as to whether the exemption is based on the finding of a Fundamental Alteration or an Undue Financial and Administrative Burden, and the identification of a manner of providing Equally Effective Alternative Access if the exemption relates to materials required in a University program. If reasonable technology options available to meet the needs of a University program meet some but not all requirements of this Policy, the most Accessible reasonable option will be selected.

Vendor requirements. All agreements for the procurement of Information Technology resources shall contain a provision requiring that such Information Technology be in accordance with the requirements of this Policy. To the extent possible, vendors will be required to promptly respond to and resolve accessibility complaints, indemnify the University in the event of claims arising from lack of accessibility in their products or services, and provide proof of accessibility testing upon request.

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