19.13.7 Equipment: Software and Hardware

Standard. All software and hardware equipment in use by the University must be Accessible and be able to generate Accessible content. If software is required by the University in connection with a University Program, it must be Accessible regardless of whether it is provided by the University or downloaded from a third-party. Software accessed through a web browser must comply with the requirements contained in Section III of this Policy.

The roles of University Personnel and the Accessibility Coordinator. University Personnel will ensure that any software or hardware used in connection with a University Program is Accessible. If there is any doubt as to the accessibility of specific software or hardware, the Accessibility Coordinator should immediately be consulted for a determination. The Accessibility Coordinator will:

  • ensure that assistive technologies are available to students working in University classrooms, computer labs, or otherwise on University devices, and will further ensure that assistive technologies are available in a timely manner for University Personnel, and;
  • coordinate the procedures for ensuring that University software and hardware is Accessible.
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