19.3 Return of Property

You are responsible for all property, materials, all library materials, or written information issued to you or in your possession or control. You must return all FNU property that is in your possession or control in the event of termination of employment, resignation, or layoff, or immediately at any time upon request.

Any computing resources used while employed by the University must be returned, along with your password, identification code, and any other appropriate information necessary for the University to continue using the respective computing resources and information, uninterrupted.

If FNU issues you certain items, such as cellular phones, computers, pagers, keys, etc., you will be required to sign a Property Receipt Acknowledgment form. By signing this form, you are acknowledging the receipt of university property, agreeing to return such property, and authorizing the cost of such property to be deducted from your paycheck(s) if the property is not returned as explained above. FNU may take all legal action deemed appropriate to recover or protect its property.

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