Section 9 § Professional Growth and Development

The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) indicates under Standard 6.5 that “institutions provide ongoing professional development of faculty as teachers, scholars and practitioners.”

In agreement with this, the University will promote and sustain any effort on the part of its faculty members to attain higher levels of expertise and effectiveness in the classrooms. These ways can include any of the components described in this section.

9.1 The Faculty Academic File

These are the items that FNU requires in the faculty member’s file. Copies of these documents should be kept in each faculty member’s personal portfolio. Transcripts must be an original, sealed and received directly from the sending institution.

  • Faculty file checklist
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Official transcripts (The faculty member must have the collegiate institution forward transcripts directly to the University; the Portfolio may have “student” copies.)
  • An employment application to FNU
  • New Employee Form
  • Professional Growth Documentation (workshops, seminars, other certificates, etc.)
  • State Board licenses, if applicable.
  • Faculty versatility

9.2 Faculty Leave of Absence for Study and Research

The teaching professional should strive to grow in skills and knowledge throughout their careers. FNU urges faculty members to do this through the use of a leave of absence for study and research, additional graduate work in the discipline, and attendance at professional meetings such as in-service training.

9.3 Off-Campus In-Service Training

Faculty members are given the opportunity to attend off-campus workshops, seminars, continuing education courses, etc., for which they are reimbursed by the University, upon prior approval by the Vice President of Academic Affairs.

9.4 In-House In-Service Training

The University holds for its faculty approximately five in-house in-service training sessions a year. These sessions feature speakers, panels, etc., and concern methodologies, course content, curricula, program structure, classroom activities, classroom environment, etc. Attendance at the in-house in-service training sessions is obligatory for all full-time faculties. For the convenience of the members of the faculty active in their businesses or professions, these in-service training sessions are held on the following national holidays for which the members are paid their usual salary.

Full-time faculty are expected to come to school and work an eight-hour day from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm on the following holidays.

January: Martin Luther King, Jr.

February: Presidents’ Day

March/April: Holy Thursday

October: Columbus Day

November: Veterans’ Day

Adjunct faculty are encouraged to attend the in-service trainings during the Faculty Workdays. They will be provided all the workshops and seminars online if unable to attend. Online faculty must comply with this requirement by completing the workshops and seminars provided online.

9.5 Faculty Participation in Collegiate Life

Professional Growth and Development also involves participation in:

  1. University ad-hoc committees and university standing committees
  2. Annual revision of academic programs and requisition of instructional materials
  3. Textbook adoption initiatives, bearing in mind the University procedures for textbook change:
    1. Campus faculty meetings
    2. Evaluation of examination copies
    3. Resources and materials for the University library
    4. Curriculum reviews
  4. Membership in professional organizations
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