Section 17 § Textbooks and Supplies

17.1 Policy on Issuance of Instructors’ Textbooks

All textbooks are issued free of charge to the instructor at the beginning of the course and must be returned at the end of the course. Textbooks may not be requisitioned and charged to the University. Each instructor must see that she or he receives a desk copy of the textbook in use by requesting such copies from the campus library. Textbooks, tapes, visuals, etc. must be returned to the University upon completion of the course. Paychecks will be withheld until all materials are returned.

17.2 Textbook Selection

Textbook adoption rests with the faculty in each course. Textbook adoptions are made by consensus of the faculty and are required to be implemented for all sections of a course. Instructors wishing to change textbooks are asked to abide by the following procedures:

  1. Once a faculty member identifies a potential textbook for adoption, they should arrange to have the other instructors teaching that course review the textbook. Note: FNU is one entity with three campuses and students must be able to transfer from campus to campus.
  2. When the course instructors reach consensus on a new textbook, that matter should be discussed at the program and department level to ensure that the new textbook supports the existing curriculum map for each course and program.
  3. If there is program and department agreement, the Department Head will then inform the appropriate Division Head.
  4. Textbook adoption must be approved by the Curriculum Committee. If the Curriculum Committee has no objections to the new textbook, the VPAA will be notified, and the course master syllabus will be adjusted in the Simple Syllabus platform.
  5. Lastly, textbook selection must be made well in advance of the starting dates for each term. This is necessary to provide ample time to ensure students have access to the book utilized in the course.

17.3 Policy on Student Textbooks, Instructional Materials and Equipment

Supplies. Office and classroom supplies (markers, clips, etc.) and instructional aids, such as supplies for making your own transparencies, etc., can be ordered through the office supply purchaser.

Audio-Visual Equipment. Each campus library is the custodian of the audiovisual equipment for each campus. These materials may be used by the members of the faculty following the policies and procedures developed by the library.

Duplicating Services. A photocopy machine is available to the instructors. Instructors are asked to request copies to be prepared 24 hours in advance.

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