19.8 Personal Property and Inspections

FNU tries to prevent property loss of any kind. Several measures serve this important purpose.

Employees must not remove property of students, fellow employees, or Institution from FNU. The University considers it theft to remove, store, transfer, or use any property of a customer, fellow employee, or the Institution without permission.

This policy also extends to items found on Institution premises. If the owner cannot be immediately identified, please turn found items into the Human Resources Department. They will be kept in a safe place until owners are identified.

The safeguarding of personal effects in the office or while on assignment is the responsibility of the individual. The University carries no insurance on, and can accept no responsibility for, loss of personal effects, including cash.

Desks and other storage devices may be provided for the conveniences of employees but remain the sole property of FNU. Accordingly, they, as well as any articles found within them, can be inspected by any supervisor/manager of FNU at any time, either with or without prior notice. You are urged to avoid leaving valuables or cash in stated devices. FNU does not assume responsibility for their loss. Prevention is the best policy.

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