19.13.6 Electronic Media Accessibility

Standard. Electronic Media resources that are used by the University as part of a University Program must be Accessible and provide Full and Equal Access (as applicable) as defined in this Policy. Legacy materials predating this Policy must be made Accessible before they are used again.

The roles of University Personnel and the Accessibility Coordinator. University Personnel will:

  • when identifying materials to be used or required in a University Program, select Accessible materials; and
  • consult with the Accessibility Coordinator on any questions relating to the Accessibility of Electronic Media resources used or made available by the University. The Accessibility Coordinator will:
  • ensure that the library maintains Accessible Electronic Media resources that are available for faculty, staff, and student use (provided that legacy materials that are not presently Accessible cannot be required to be used as part of a University Program until appropriately updated, and upon a specific request that any such optional resource be made Accessible, the University will consider the request according to this Policy).
  • assist University Personnel in identifying Electronic Media materials that are Accessible prior to purchase or use.
  • ensure all classroom and presentation equipment can present Accessible Electronic Media resources.
  • assist University Personnel in producing new Electronic Media materials that are Accessible; and
  • coordinate campus-wide Accessibility efforts and maintain a list of approved vendors providing Accessible services and Electronic Media resources.
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