19.13.4 Instructional Materials

Standard. All electronic Instructional Materials must be Accessible and provide Full and Equal Access (as applicable) as defined in this Policy.

The roles of Faculty and the Accessibility Coordinator. Where electronic Instructional Materials are used in a University Program, faculty and instructional staff are responsible for consulting with the Accessibility Coordinator to ensure that the materials are Accessible. Where the Accessibility Coordinator requires that changes or updates are to be made to electronic Instructional Materials, faculty and instructional staff are responsible for implementing the required changes or updates. The Accessibility Coordinator will:

  • ensure that all computer labs provided for student use have assistive technologies, including but not limited to Accessible computer stations, screen reading software, and screen magnification.
  • ensure that the learning management system and related hosted systems that facilitate University Programs conducted in an online format are Accessible.
  • provide support for accessibility and assistive technology in classrooms and computer labs.
  • ensure that the library maintains an Accessible website and implements an Accessible search engine that can search across all library collections; and
  • consult with faculty, instructional staff, and content authors regarding accessibility of Instructional Materials, advise when changes or updates are needed, and establish reasonable timelines for such changes or updates to be made.

User inquiries, requests, and feedback. All inquiries regarding the accessibility of electronic Instructional Materials shall be logged, and a copy provided to the Accessibility Coordinator. The Accessibility Coordinator shall ensure that requests for accessibility to electronic Instructional Materials from students with Disabilities are responded to within one (1) business day. The Accessibility Coordinator will coordinate the University’s determination of whether an accessibility-related request from a student with a Disability is appropriate and reasonably feasible, or if the request poses a Fundamental Alteration (as defined in this Policy) or an Undue Financial and Administrative Burden (as defined in this Policy). In cases where the Accessibility Coordinator documents a decision that an accessibility request cannot be granted due to a Fundamental Alteration or Undue Financial and Administrative Burden, the Accessibility Coordinator will coordinate the University’s provision of Equally Effective Alternative Access (as defined in this Policy). The Accessibility Coordinator will ensure that all other feedback is responded to within a reasonable time and will provide and implement the University’s determinations as soon as reasonably possible after the accessibility request is made.

Ancillary materials. No faculty or instructional staff shall require as part of a University Program the use of any electronic Instructional Materials hosted exclusively by a third-party that have not been approved by the Accessibility Coordinator. Requests for such approval shall be made sufficiently in advance to provide adequate time for the Accessibility Coordinator to review the accessibility of the content. Emergency requests may be considered on a case-by-case basis through an expedited review.

Periodic electronic Instructional Material review. The University’s electronic Instructional Materials shall be reviewed by faculty annually. A report identifying any accessibility barriers in the materials shall be provided to the University’s Vice President of Operations and to the Accessibility Coordinator for their joint review.

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