19.13.3 Websites

This Section III may be referred to, both within this Policy and externally, as the University’s Website Accessibility Policy.

Standard. All University Websites will be Accessible and will provide Full and Equal Access as defined in this Policy. No later than December 31, 2020, all University Websites will conform to WCAG 2.1 Level AA success criteria.

Accessibility statement. All University Websites will contain the following website accessibility statement or a link to same in the footer, on each page:

Florida National University is committed to ensuring that its website is accessible to all visitors. Accordingly, FNU’s website has been developed using the principles and guidelines found in Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and in conformance with WCAG 2.0 AA success criteria. Should you encounter an issue using FNU’s website (or any other website that is required to be accessed to fulfill a requirement in a University program) or wish to receive content in an alternative format or medium, please contact FNU’s Online Support at 305-821-3333, ext. 1067, or via email at accessibility@fnu.edu, for further assistance or to report a problem.

When all of the University’s Websites have been updated to conform to WCAG 2.1 AA success criteria, the above Website Accessibility Statement shall be updated to reflect such conformance.

User inquiries, requests, and feedback. All inquiries regarding the accessibility of a University Website shall be logged, and a copy provided to the Accessibility Coordinator. The Accessibility Coordinator shall ensure that barrier reports and requests regarding the accessibility of a University Website from individuals with Disabilities are responded to within one (1) business day. The Accessibility Coordinator will coordinate the University’s determination of whether an accessibility-related request from an individual with a Disability is appropriate and reasonably feasible, or if the request poses a Fundamental Alteration (as defined in this Policy) or an Undue Financial and Administrative Burden (as defined in this Policy). In cases where the Accessibility Coordinator documents a decision that an accessibility request cannot be granted due to a Fundamental Alteration or Undue Financial and Administrative Burden, the Accessibility Coordinator will coordinate the University’s provision of Equally Effective Alternative Access (as defined in this Policy). The Accessibility Coordinator will ensure that all other feedback is responded to within a reasonable time and will provide and implement the University’s determinations as soon as reasonably possible after the accessibility request is made.

Content updates. The Accessibility Coordinator shall designate specific University personnel who shall have authorization and access to update content on University Websites. Such designee(s) shall ensure that content updates provide Full and Equal Access and are otherwise compliant with this Policy. No one shall update any University Website, or any content contained thereon, without the express authorization from the Accessibility Coordinator.

Ancillary sites. No University personnel or department shall create or use any web-based platform, service, or content in connection with any University Program, without the prior written approval of the Accessibility Coordinator. Requests for such approval shall be made sufficiently in advance to provide adequate time for the Accessibility Coordinator to review the accessibility of the requested web-based platform, service, or content. Emergency requests may be considered on a case-by-case basis through an expedited review

Periodic website review. University Websites shall be reviewed for accessibility barriers by a third-party reviewer, approximately every six (6) months. A copy of the report(s) furnished by such third-party reviewer shall be provided to the University’s VP of Operations and to the Accessibility Coordinator for their joint review.

Compliance. The Accessibility Coordinator shall be responsible for monitoring compliance of University Websites with this Policy.

Third-party websites. This Policy shall not apply to any website maintained by a third-party, even if such website is linked to or referred from a University Website. However, if any third-party website is associated exclusively with a requirement in a University Program, the University will consider and grant accessibility requests and/or provide Equally Effective Alternative Access as described in this Policy.

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