Social Media and Networking

Social media/networking. FNU establishes a social networking policy to safeguard students, employees, visitors, and the reputation of FNU and to provide guidelines to assist employees in using this communication vehicle. The absence of, or lack of explicit reference to a specific site does not limit the extent of the application of this policy.

Minors and Vulnerable Adults. Employees are prohibited from ‘friending’ and/or accepting friend requests from minors and vulnerable adults who are receiving services at FNU. Employees are prohibited from posting anything on a social site of a minor or vulnerable adult unless the employee is the parent or guardian of that minor or vulnerable adult. Please immediately unfriend any minors and vulnerable adults who are receiving services at FNU and whom you have friended on Facebook or any other social network.

Parents of Minors or Vulnerable Adults. Employees should use caution when ‘friending’ parents of minors and vulnerable adults who are receiving services at FNU. FNU expects each employee to maintain a professional relationship with parents. Should you choose to participate in social networking with parents of minors or vulnerable adults please be aware that at all times you are a representative of FNU. Anything you post, including pictures, is a reflection upon FNU.

Students and Alumnae. It is acceptable to accept social network ‘friend requests’ with students or alumnae over the age of 18. FNU expects each employee to maintain a professional relationship with students and alumnae. Understand that recent alumnae likely perceive faculty and staff member as authority figures.

Other Friends. Assuming you have friended students and alumnae, remind other members of your network of your position at FNU and that your profile may be accessed by such individuals, and to monitor their posts to your network accordingly. Conversely, be judicious in your postings to all friends’ sites, and act immediately to remove any material that may be inappropriate from your site whether posted by you or someone else.

Privacy. Recognize that there is no such thing as complete privacy on a social networking site. Take care in anything you post online. Keep your privacy settings at appropriate levels to protect yourself. Any violation in this policy may lead to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.

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