12.5 Reporting of a Crime

The following are to be used at FNU in the reporting and notifying of the commission of a crime or the attempt of the same on the University campus.

  1. Any person witnessing the commission of a crime, or the attempt of the same on the University’s campuses should report it immediately to security personnel and the Campus Dean. The Campus Dean is the first authority to be notified of the commission or attempted commission of a crime on or near the University campus.
  2. The Assistant Deans are also considered as part of the Campus Deans’ offices. In case, the Campus Dean is not available, the Assistant Dean should be contacted.
  3. The Campus Dean or Assistant Dean, then, has the obligation to notify the proper authorities while as well as notify the Office of the President.
  4. Students witnessing the commission of a crime or other campus disasters should notify, in case of inability to notify the Campus Dean or Assistant Dean, the nearest faculty member. This faculty member, in turn, is expected to take it upon him/herself the responsibility of notifying the Campus Dean’s office.
  5. In the case of the incapacity of the Campus Dean’s Office to react, Miami-Dade police and/or the local police are to be notified immediately by anyone witnessing the commission or attempted commission of a crime.
  6. The handling of criminal acts is a matter for the professional law enforcement officer, and amateurs should not foolhardily get involved with a crime; but, at the same time, all are expected to use common sense and aid the victim of a crime, if possible.

Crime Prevention Rules. Faculty, students and staff are all expected to use the commonsense tools available to them to thwart and avoid the commission of criminal activity, by following these:

  1. Be certain that automobiles are tightly closed and locked. Never, even for an instant, leave the keys in a car or the car without security precautions.
  2. Never leave visible packages or such in a car, even though it is locked.
  3. Purses, coats or personal property should never be left out of the owner’s reach.
  4. Never leave books and class lab materials in unattended classrooms.
  5. Never allow prescription medicines to leave the possession of the owner.
  6. Report drug taking, or possession or sale of drugs on campus to the Campus Dean’s office, remembering at all times that persons who use, possess, or sell drugs are a menace to themselves and everyone in the community.
  7. Report to the Dean’s Office possession, use, buying, or selling of alcoholic beverages.
  8. Report unsecured equipment or classrooms to the maintenance personnel or Dean’s Office.
  9. Turn in lost and found articles to the receptionist immediately.
  10. Never inspect your wallet and/or count your money in public.

Security and Access to University Facilities. The security of the University is the responsibility of the Campus Deans. The Campus Deans will work closely with the Student Services to establish a program of safety awareness with the students.

All campuses are secured with master alarm systems, which are activated by one of the above mentioned, according to the day/night duty schedule.

All members of the University community must wear the ID badge at all times.

While each incidence of campus criminal activity is reported to the President’s Office, each Dean keeps a record of the criminal activity on their assigned campus.

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