12.8 Reporting Abuse or Suspicions of Abuse

Reporting violations of policy. In order to maintain a safe environment for all students, volunteers, guests and employees, FNU employees and volunteers must be aware of their individual responsibility to report any questionable circumstance(s), observation(s), act(s), omission(s), or situation(s) that is a violation of these policies. All questions or concerns related to abuse of minors or vulnerable adults should be directed to a Safety Committee member. Guests and students are also encouraged to report suspected abuse or violations of this policy.

Consequences of violation. FNU will immediately investigate any employee, volunteer, or guest accused of committing a prohibited act against a minor or vulnerable adult. If the University determines that there is an immediate risk, the accused will be immediately suspended from all interaction with the purported victim(s). This suspension will continue during any investigation by the proper authorities.

Any student, employee, volunteer, or guest in violation of this policy may be prohibited from future participation in all FNU activities. For an employee, such conduct may also result in termination of employment from FNU. For a student, such conduct may result in suspension or dismissal.

Failure to report a prohibited act to the Safety Committee as designated in this policy is a violation of this policy and grounds for termination of employment of any employee. Volunteers who fail to report a prohibited act may be restricted from participation in any activities at FNU.

Reporting suspicions of abuse to law enforcement agencies. Employees and volunteers at FNU are required to report suspicions of abuse or neglect of minors or vulnerable adults, or any inappropriate behavior of a colleague or co-worker towards minors or vulnerable adults, to a member of the Safety Committee.

As described in Chapters 39 and 415, Florida Statutes, the Florida Department of Children & Families is charged with providing comprehensive protective services for minors who are abused, neglected or at threat of harm and vulnerable adults who are abused, neglected or exploited in the state by requiring that reports of abuse, neglect, threatened harm, or exploitation be made to the Florida Abuse Hotline. Law enforcement is to take the lead in all criminal investigations and prosecution.

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