Interacting with Minors and Vulnerable Adults

One-on-one interactions with students. FNU recognizes that meeting the educational needs of university students sometimes requires that employees interact with students on an individual basis. Employees should avoid one-on-one interactions with minors and vulnerable adults whenever possible. In addition, employees and volunteers should observe the following guidelines when interacting with minors and vulnerable adults:

Individual Meetings. Employees and volunteers should conduct one-to-one meetings with an individual minor or vulnerable adult at a time when others are present and where interactions can be easily observed. There will be no one-to-one meetings between an employee/volunteer and a minor or vulnerable adult. If a circumstance arises where a private one-to-one meeting does occur, the employee/volunteer will notify his or her supervisor immediately before or after the meeting.

Transportation. If an employee or volunteer provides transportation for a minor or vulnerable adult as part of an FNU activity, the following guidelines should be strictly observed:

  1. Such minor or vulnerable adult should be transported directly to their destination. No unauthorized stops should be made, with the exception of stops at public places for refreshment or bathroom facilities.
  2. Employees/volunteers should avoid physical contact with such minors or vulnerable adults while in vehicles, with the exception of assisting individuals with securing safety belts and harnesses.
  3. No cell phones may be used by the driver while providing transportation.
  4. No drivers under age 25 may provide transportation, on behalf of FNU, for minors or vulnerable adults.
  5. Minors and vulnerable adults should not use a vehicle belonging to an employee or volunteer, unless the employee or volunteer is an immediate family member of the minor or vulnerable adult.

Sleeping arrangements. It is anticipated that certain FNU activities may occasionally require that overnight sleeping arrangements be made for students, employees, and volunteers. In the event that an activity requires sleeping arrangements, employees and volunteers will strictly observe the following rules: any exceptions to the below policies must be approved in advance by the President or his or her designee:

  1. Employees and volunteers will monitor any participating minors or vulnerable adults, periodically conducting visual bed checks to ensure that sleeping students remain in designated sleeping areas.
  2. Only students of the same sex will be permitted to sleep in the same room unless the students in question are married.
  3. At times, an employee or volunteer will sleep in the same room as students or in an adjoining room. However, employees and volunteers are prohibited from sleeping in a 1:1 ratio setting with students for any reason, unless the employee or volunteer is an immediate family member of the student.
  4. If overnight arrangements do not include standard beds, each employee, volunteer, and/or minor or vulnerable adult will use single sleeping bags or blankets. In these instances, a “one-person-to-one-bag-or-blanket” rule will be observed.
  5. Employees, volunteers, minors and vulnerable adults will be required to wear both top and bottom clothing while sleeping.

Guidelines for interactions with minors and vulnerable adults. FNU employees and volunteers are expected to provide adequate supervision for minors and vulnerable adults in their care while working at the University. In the circumstance that group activities away from the University permit minors and vulnerable adults to function in small, unsupervised groups for brief time periods, employees and volunteers should set clear expectations for minors and vulnerable adults concerning times to meet and “check-in” with the employees/volunteers in charge of the activity.

Verbal interactions between employees and minors and vulnerable adults should be positive and uplifting. FNU employees should strive to keep verbal interactions encouraging, and constructive. Employees are expected to refrain from swearing in the presence of others.

In the case that a minor or vulnerable adult becomes ill, injured, or has a severe disciplinary problem while participating in university activities, that individual’s parent will be contacted by a FNU employee, consistent with FERPA regulations.

Parents are encouraged to be a part of all services and programs in which minors and vulnerable adults are involved at FNU, with the exception of registered regular FNU students.

FNU is committed to protecting the minors and vulnerable adults in our care. Physical contact in any form should not give the appearance of wrongdoing. The personal behavior of FNU employees/volunteers must foster trust at all times―personal conduct must be above reproach. The following guidelines are to be carefully followed by anyone working in university programs with minors and vulnerable adults:

  1. Inappropriate touching and inappropriate displays of affection are forbidden. Any inappropriate touching and inappropriate displays of affection should be reported to a Safety Committee member.
  2. Physical contact and affection should only be given when in the presence of other University employees/volunteers. It is much less likely that touches will be inappropriate or misinterpreted as such when more than two individuals are present, and the touch is open to observation.
  3. Do not force any physical contact, touch or affection upon anyone. An individual’s preference not to be touched must be respected.
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