Prohibited Activities

Sexually oriented conversations. FNU employees and volunteers are prohibited from engaging in any sexually oriented conversations with students, except as relevant to class work. Employees and volunteers are not permitted to discuss any inappropriate or explicit information about their own personal relationships, dating, or sexual activities with any student, minors or vulnerable adults at the University. This provision includes the use of cellular phones, text messages, e-mail, instant messaging, and online chat rooms.

Possession of sexually oriented materials. FNU employees and volunteers are prohibited from possessing any sexually oriented materials (magazines, cards, videos, films, etc.) on university property or in the presence of students, minors or vulnerable adults. If any such materials are purportedly necessary for classroom instruction, they must be approved in advance by the President or his or her designee.

Internet/electronic media. No computer at or related to FNU is to be used by employees, volunteers, guests, students, minors or vulnerable adults to engage in computer chat room discussions of a sexual nature or visit pornographic or sexually inappropriate websites. Violation of this policy can lead to discipline from FNU management. Any questions about inappropriate use of computers or the suitability of a particular website should be discussed with the President or his or her designee.

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