12.9 Social Media Policy

Purpose. The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance for employees choosing to use social media to communicate, collaborate, and interact with students, faculty, staff, stakeholders, and the public on matters concerning or impacting FNU.

Scope. This policy applies to all FNU faculty, staff, and students who are employed by FNU in any capacity. The guidelines also apply to other people (such as volunteers and appointees) who use internally managed University computing resources.

This policy applies to all forms of social media, including, for example, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube, LinkedIn, blogs, online comments, etc.

This policy may apply to employees outside of work hours and while using personal accounts when use of social media affects an individual’s professional responsibilities, violates an applicable law, or constitutes a violation of FNU regulation or policy.

Policy Statement. FNU recognizes the vital role that social media can play in communicating, collaborating, and interacting with students, faculty, staff, non-FNU colleagues, and the public.

FNU encourages its employees to use social media to connect with the FNU community and foster thoughtful engagement and dialogue about the issues important to and impacting FNU and its communities.

This policy intends to promote the appropriate use of social media, while prohibiting conduct through social media that may be unlawful, contrary to FNU regulations or policies, or violate professional standards, when applicable.

This policy also provides suggestions for situations involving social media that could be damaging to the University or its constituents.

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