12.7 Abuse Prevention Policy and Procedures

Abuse. FNU has zero tolerance for abuse. It is the responsibility of all students, volunteers, guests and employees at FNU to act in accordance with the Abuse Prevention Policy, which is of particular applicability to our interactions with persons under 18 years of age (“minors”) and vulnerable adults.

Reporting suspicious or inappropriate behaviors. In the event that any FNU employees or volunteers observe any inappropriate behavior (i.e. policy violations) or suspected abuse (physical, emotional, or sexual) of minors or vulnerable adults in FNU programs or on the FNU campus, it is their responsibility to report the information to a member of the FNU Safety Committee, including the Director of Human Resources, the Title IX Coordinator, the Vice President of Academic Affairs, the Student Services Director, and the Athletic Director. Depending on the severity and nature of the incident, it may also be appropriate to call 911.

FNU is committed to providing a safe, secure environment for all students, volunteers, guests and employees. To this end, any report of inappropriate behavior or suspicions of abuse of a minor or vulnerable adult will be taken seriously and will be handled, in accordance with this policy and local, state and federal laws by a Safety Committee member. If the alleged incident(s) involves gender discrimination, sexual harassment, or sexual violence, the University’s Title IX Policies and Procedures may also apply.

FNU supports and encourages a culture of communication related to the prevention of abuse or suspected abuse of any kind. If an employee or volunteer sees or suspects abusive behavior of a minor or vulnerable adult, it is his or her responsibility to report the inappropriate behavior to a member of the Safety Committee. This includes partial or inconclusive information concerning behavior, which may or may not be abusive.

Because sexual abusers ‘groom’ others for abuse, it is possible an employee or volunteer may witness behavior intended to ‘groom’ others for sexual abuse. Employees, guests and volunteers are asked to report ‘grooming’ behavior, any policy violations, or any suspicious behaviors of any FNU employee, volunteer, guest, or student to a Safety Committee member. The concept of grooming typically applies to minors or vulnerable adults.

Enforcement of policies. FNU employees who supervise other employees are charged with the diligent enforcement of all FNU policies. Violations of these policies are grounds for immediate dismissal, disciplinary action, or reassignment from positions for anyone involved. Final decisions related to policy violations will be the responsibility of the FNU Safety Committee in conjunction with the FNU Management.

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