
Employees and volunteers are required to verbally report an incident to a Safety Committee member as soon as possible after the incident. After receiving a report, a Safety Committee member will speak with the reporting employee or volunteer and any other witnesses in order to get detailed information about the circumstances. The President will be notified as soon as reasonably possible.

Specific descriptions of the incident(s) or the circumstances contributing to the risk of harm are very important. This includes who was involved, what occurred, when and where it occurred, why it happened, the extent of any injuries sustained, and what the victim(s) said happened, and any other pertinent information.

Suspected abuse of minors and vulnerable adults must also be reported to the Florida Abuse Hotline. The FNU Safety Committee will refer reports of abuse to the Florida Abuse Hotline when it knows or has reasonable cause to suspect that a minor or a vulnerable adult has been abused. FNU employees, volunteers, students, and guests are also encouraged to report any suspected abuse of minors or vulnerable adults to the Florida Abuse Hotline and in no way does any provision in this policy discourage any person from reporting a suspicion of abuse or neglect to the appropriate authorities. The Florida Abuse Hotline Counselor will determine if the information provided meets legal requirements to accept a report for investigation. Counselors are available 24/7 at this toll-free number.

DCF Website:

DCF Abuse Hotline: 1-800-962-2873

Response to report of abuse. The FNU Safety Committee will take appropriate action on behalf of the University when a report of abuse occurs. Any report of inappropriate behaviors or suspicions of abuse will be taken seriously and will be reported in accordance with this policy to the appropriate personnel.

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