Section C: University Service

Section C: University Service 

The new FNU Service Agreement allows academic supervisors to assign hours for University Service. These hours can be assigned to compensate faculty who provide University Services in two general areas: 1) Academic Support Services and 2) Program Effectiveness.

The specific nature and duration of these additional assignments must be clearly stated on the Service Agreement to obtain approval and should align directly to a measurable benchmark within the Program/Department/Division Annual Planning, Assessment, and Implementation plan in Watermark. Academic Support Services must be detailed and focused on specific course outcomes. For example, Academic Leadership may assign a faculty member to provide additional Academic Support in the form of time spent staffing the Math Lab, Writing Studio, or another area of academic need. 

Program Effectiveness includes Committee Assignments. Full-time faculty should be reminded that they are required to participate in university, division, department, or program-level committees. Division Heads will be providing a full list of the standing committees that are available to faculty within each division, and the number of hours allotted for each committee.

Program Effectiveness also includes Planning and Assessment as part of University Service. This will allow faculty to participate in the systematic review of program effectiveness, following the university’s planning and assessment protocols. This also includes faculty participation in programmatic accreditation and assessment activities outside of the annual week of assessment and planning which is mandatory for all full-time faculty.

Curriculum Development/Revision is intended to support and encourage Faculty Governance in the development and revision of the university program portfolio and curriculum. Any time assigned within this area must have a clear scope of work, timeline, and receivables.

The faculty are required to utilize the ADP time clock for all hours worked in accordance with the hours contracted and scheduled on the Service Agreement for University Service.

The Service Agreement represents the entirety of the agreement between FNU and the Instructor. Compensation is based on the total hours indicated in this service agreement, as verified through the time and attendance recorded in ADP by the instructor. The instructor acknowledges and agrees that the instructor is not entitled to any additional compensation for any additional hours the instructor may voluntarily spend performing FNU related tasks unless such hours are approved and incorporated into an amended service agreement.

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