7.6 Paydays and Direct Deposit

All faculty members will be paid bi-weekly on Friday. You are encouraged to have your pay deposited directly into the bank or financial institution of your choice. To initiate the process, please complete a Direct Deposit Authorization form and submit it to the Human Resources Department. Your direct deposit will start on your second pay cycle. Your first check is a pre-note and will be a live check that you can pick up at the payroll office.

Your paycheck information can be viewed and printed from the ADP website.

FNU takes all reasonable steps to ensure that you receive the correct amount of pay in each paycheck and that you are paid promptly on the scheduled payday.

In the unlikely event that there is an error on your paycheck, promptly bring the discrepancy to the attention of your Division Head/Campus Dean or to the Human Resources Department so that corrections can be made as quickly as possible. If you fail to bring the discrepancy to the attention of your Division Head/Campus Dean or to the Human Resources Department, the University must assume your pay is correct.

It is the policy of FNU neither to provide salary advances nor to provide personal loans to employees. In the event of termination of employment, the last payroll check will be an actual live check. The check shall be picked up by former employee at the Hialeah (Main) Campus. You must provide identification and sign that you received the check.

All IDs, keys, equipment, confidential information, electronic data, telephone, computer and other passwords, in your possession or assigned to you must be returned to FNU as well as any books you may have borrowed from the library.

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