7.5 Lactation Break

For up to one year after a child’s birth, any faculty member who is breastfeeding her child will be provided reasonable break times as needed to express breast milk for her baby. The company will provide a private room for this purpose. A refrigerator is available to store breast milk. Stored breast milk must be labeled with the name of the employee and the date of expressing the milk. Employees storing milk in the refrigerator assume all responsibility for the safety of the milk and the risk of harm for any reason, including proper storage, refrigeration, and tampering.

The number and frequency of breaks can depend on many things such as the number of feedings in the baby’s normal daily schedule, whether the child is eating solid food, etc.

A reasonable break time is normally 15-20 minutes to adequately allow for setting up, for cleaning up after, and adequately storing milk. Breaks of more than 20 minutes in length will be unpaid, and the employee must indicate this time on her time sheet. The manager/supervisor may keep a log of breaks but may not put strict constraints on the length or frequency. Faculty members must notify their Department/Division Head in advance if they will take advantage of this policy and together agree upon a reasonable schedule for breaks.

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