7.11 Service Agreements

The university has adopted a consolidated Service Agreement form for all campuses. The new Service Agreement form, and subsequent revisions, are the only approved Service Agreements to be utilized and submitted at all campuses. If a faculty member is teaching at multiple campuses, a Service Agreement for each campus is required. When a faculty member has multiple Service Agreements, it is the responsibility of the immediate supervisor assigning the faculty to ensure that the total number of hours, for all Service Agreements, does not exceed 30 hours for Adjuncts and 40 hours for Full-Time faculty. 

The total contracted hours are now divided into three distinct sections: 

1) Section A: Course Assignment
2) Section B: Clinical / Practicum / Simulation
3) Section C: University Service

The Service Agreement represents the entirety of the agreement between FNU and the Instructor. Compensation is based on the total hours indicated in the service agreement, as verified through the time and attendance recorded in ADP by the instructor. The instructor acknowledges and agrees that the instructor is not entitled to any additional compensation for any additional hours the instructor may voluntarily spend performing FNU related tasks unless such hours are approved and incorporated into an amended service agreement.

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