6.20 Dispute/Conflict Resolution

It is the practice of the administration of FNU to prevent situations that might create a grievance or dispute with management or fellow employees. In the rare event that a condition prompting a grievance or dispute occurs, the following policy should be adhered to:

  1. The purpose of the grievance procedure is to resolve conflicts and thus improve the institution’s environment. For the purpose of this Handbook, a grievance shall be defined as a complaint, expressed in writing.
  2. The first step in the process is to accurately define the grievance. To accomplish this, the aggrieved party must submit, in writing, a clear, accurate, and concise account of the event or condition that prompted the grievance. This account should include when, where, how, to whom, and why the grievance occurred.
  3. The written account must be submitted to the Human Resources Department of the aggrieved party within three (3) working days of the event or condition causing the grievance.
  4. The Human Resources Department will promptly commence an investigation to gather the facts, make a determination, and resolve the matter promptly. It is the intent of FNU, by establishing the grievance procedure, to resolve the conflict at the lowest possible level.
  5. If the grievance is not resolved, then the Human Resources Department may seek the assistance of the President to arrive at a final solution within five (5) days after receiving the grievance.
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