6.19 Fraternization and Personal Relationships Policy

FNU wants to avoid any misunderstandings, actual or potential conflicts of interest, complaints of favoritism, and possible claims of sexual harassment, morale and dissension problems that can potentially result from personal relationships involving administration, faculty, staff and employees (collectively referred to as “Employees.”

It is not FNU’s intention to dictate choices made in your personal life with this Policy. Employees must understand, however, that courts and other workers are holding employers to higher standards to insure a fair, conflict free workplace. As employers shoulder these greater burdens, more regulations and policies become necessary.

The term “fraternization” as used in this Policy is defined as a situation when two employees of FNU are in a supervisory/subordinate relationship and also have or are in “personal relationship” with each other at the same time. The term “personal relationship” as used in this Policy, is defined as two persons who are related by blood, adoption, marriage, or are involved a close emotional, physical, intimate, or romantic relationship which may create a conflict of interest, or otherwise interfere with the FNU’s operations.

Employees are prohibited from having a personal relationship with a Board Member, Student, or Employee whom he/she directly supervises. No person in a management or supervisory position shall have a personal relationship with a student or an employee whom he or she directly supervises or whose terms or conditions of employment he or she may influence (examples of terms or conditions of employment include promotion, termination, discipline and compensation).

Any employee involved in a preexisting or current personal relationship with a Board Member, Student or Vendor Representative must disclose the relationship as described in the Disclosure section of this Policy. Effective Date of Policy and Grandfathering-In of Pre-Existing Relationships. Any personal relationships in existence prior to the effective date of this Policy will be considered grandfathered-in and will not be subject to these prohibitions. Disclosure. Any personal relationship involving an Employee and a Board Member, Student, Vendor Representative, or another Employee must be disclosed by the affected employee(s) and any supervisor or employee with knowledge of the relationship to Human Resources. Human Resources will assess the situation and make a determination as to whether the personal relationship may create an actual, perceived or potential conflict of interest. If an actual, perceived or potential conflict exists, FNU may take whatever action appears appropriate according to the circumstances, up to and including transfer or discharge. Failure to disclose material facts may lead to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

All employees should also remember that FNU maintains a strict policy against unlawful harassment of any kind, including sexual harassment. FNU will vigorously enforce these policies consistent with all applicable federal, state, and local laws.

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