Course Syllabus

Course syllabi are available for every course in SimpleSyllabus which is managed by the Office of Academic Affairs. The sole, official repository of course syllabi is SimpleSyllabus.  This centralized syllabi system is the only authorized means for maintaining, and disseminating, syllabi for courses taught at FNU.  There is no alternative delivery method for course syllabi that is approved.  Faculty will not provide PDF, or printed copies, of any syllabi. Failure to follow this policy is subject to progressive discipline through Human Resources. Students are to be referred to the SimpleSyllabus platform for access to syllabi.

Faculty are required to have a course syllabus. Faculty will update their own syllabi, modeled after the institutional syllabi. The syllabus will present information on class schedule, number of sessions, holidays, course description (quoted from the FNU Catalog), textbook, course requirements, course outcomes, student learning outcomes, weekly planner, required assignments, class policies, grading system, and exit competencies. Instructors are encouraged to bring in guest lecturers, arrange for field trips, and promote library skills by means of library assignments.

Faculty will verify that the course syllabi is published and accessible to students at the beginning of each course. Students are required to access the syllabus when attending class.

The syllabus contains class policies and other information that the student should review in the first week of class. Faculty should review the syllabus with the students on the first day of class. The instructor may subsequently update the syllabus with notification to the students, up to the end of the add/drop. No further changes to the course syllabus will be made after the add/drop period. In rare instances, when a course syllabus requires revision, the faculty member must request and receive permission from the Office of Academic Affairs to make the change.

Faculty are required to update the components of each syllabus that are different from term to term.  Faculty are not permitted to change the course Textbook, Grading Criteria, Course Outcomes, and Student Learning Outcomes of a course, unless as part of a collective faculty discussion and with department consensus.

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