5.13 Library and Resource Center

The FNU Library exists chiefly to support the curricula offered by the University. It also includes assisting faculty and students in locating physical and electronic library materials, as well as instructing them in the effective use of library resources, which include access to library databases and websites, use of library peripheral equipment, Internet access, and use of e-mail.

The collection is kept on sites located at each of the campuses. A librarian or an assistant librarian is always available to assist students, faculty, and staff in the use of the library during scheduled hours. Library hours are scheduled to service day and evening students.

The faculty performs an invaluable service in evaluating library holdings and in recommending new acquisitions in their areas of expertise. Faculty should make these recommendations to the appropriate department head for initial approval and send the department’s recommendations to the Library Director or Campus Librarian.

Faculty Borrowing Procedures. Faculty is allowed to borrow textbooks and supporting materials from the library on a term basis only. The library, in a collaborative manner, will work closely with faculty to try to keep textbook materials up to date in the library. However, the library may or may not hold copy(ies) of all textbooks used on a current term/semester. Programs that run by semester, the faculty will be able to keep the materials for the length of the course. Upon completion of the term, if the faculty member is teaching the same course and using the same textbook and/or supporting library material(s), he/she needs to bring the item(s) in person to the library for renewal. Otherwise, these items will be reported overdue. Payment may be withheld from the faculty paycheck for unreturned or lost library items.

Before resignation or termination, faculty members have to return to the library all the borrowed materials.

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