5.12 The Student Honor Court


To establish an orderly process for a student to appeal a dismissal/disciplinary decision in cases where a student challenges the outcome of the process.


Florida National University’s (FNU) procedure for the student appeal of dismissal/disciplinary decisions ensures that both students and faculty are aware of the processes that are to be followed when a decision is challenged.

Procedure for Requesting a Session of the Honor Court

A session of the Student Honor Court may be requested by a student, an administrator, or a faculty member when all other means of appealing, such as following the chain of command, have been exhausted. The request will be reviewed by the Office of Student Services.

The following procedures will be observed when an Honor Court session is requested

  • The Office of Student Services will determine the validity of convening of the Court. If all other avenues have been exhausted, and the request falls under the purpose of the Honor Court, a session will be convened.
  • Upon the decision to call a session of the Honor Court, the Campus Dean will appoint a member of the upper administration to serve as the Court Chair and will notify all involved parties of the date and time of the Court session.
  • The Court must sit within seven business days.

Members of The Honor Court

  • The Court Chair- a member of the upper administration organizational figure and nonvoting member who serves to lead the court in an equitable way.
  • The Court Bailiff- an officer of student government association or an appointee by the Office of Student Services
  • Voting Members of the Court- two instructors chosen by the Office of Student Services
  • Voting Members of the Court- two students chosen by the Office of Student Services
  • Voting Member of the Court- one member from the office of Academic Affairs.
  • Appellate Panel- three members of the upper administration who act in the event of an appeal of the Honor Court’s decision.
    • Members of the panel may include one member of the Office of Academic Affairs, one member of the Office of the Campus Dean, the Court Chair, the Faculty Senate President, or board member or one of the University’s Vice Presidents.

Procedure for The Conducting of the Honor Court

  • The Court Chair presides over the session.
  • The Court Chair explains the court procedure to all participants.
  • The person or office bringing the grievance presents their case, witnesses, evidence, etc.
  • The aggrieved presents their case, witnesses, evidence, etc.
  • The two parties will retire at the end of their presentations.
  • The Court voting members meet to discuss and finalize the decision by majority vote.
  • The Court informs the Court Chair of their decision.
  • The Campus Dean and the Office of Student Services then informs the parties of the decision of the Court.
  • Either party to the suit may appeal the decision to an appellate panel composed of three members of administration chosen by the Office of Student Services and the Campus Dean, not involved in the initial Honor Court session, who will serve as the penultimate decision.
  • The panel’s decision can be appealed to the University President who has the absolute final say. Neither party can appeal the University President’s decision.
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