5.6 Policy Concerning Field Trips and Guest Lecturers

Faculty are encouraged to use field trips and guest lecturers to enhance the value of their classes. Guest experts and visits to sites in the fields taught at FNU can often greatly enrich the classroom experience of the students.

  1. Faculty taking their classes on field trips must always get approval from their Division Head and/or Campus Dean.
  2. Prior to visits, Field Trip Forms and Academic Field Trip Waiver of Liability must be requested, completed and submitted to the Office of Academic Affairs.
  3. Waivers of liability must be completed by each student including all information related to the field trip and will be kept at the Office of Student Services.
  4. All forms must be submitted to the Office of Student Service for review at least two weeks before the trip is to take place.
  5. Once reviewed by Student Services and approved by the Division Head, and/or Campus Dean, the Field Trip Forms will be returned to the faculty member.
  6. Upon completion of the field trip the faculty member must return all the forms with the documentation of the activity to the Office of Student Services
  7. The Office of Academic Affairs will submit all the documentation of the activity to the Registrar’s Office.
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