Section 4. Procedure

  1. Faculty Observations: Every academic semester, full-time and part-time faculty will be observed. Faculty will be advised of the week in which the observation will occur, but the specific date and time of the observation will be randomly selected by the observer. For new Faculty, an observation must be completed during the first term of appointment at FNU.
    1. The supervisor shall complete the appropriate Faculty Observation Forms within Faculty Success.
    2. All standard performance ratings will be conducted from the following:
      1. Meets Expectations
      2. Needs Improvement
      3. Unacceptable
      4. Not Observed
    3. Post-Observation Meetings
      1. After each observation, the supervisor and faculty member shall participate in a meeting to discuss the evaluation. The supervisor shall provide the faculty with the Observation’s ratings and justifications.
      2. The faculty member shall have an opportunity to respond to the supervisor’s evaluation during said meeting.
      3. If the faculty received a rating of Needs Improvement, the supervisor shall provide the faculty with a plan of action indicating the area(s) to improve, the assistance to be render, period for improvement, and a schedule for the following observation(s).
  2. End of Course Surveys: At the end of each course, students will complete a course evaluation. The course evaluation will be completed anonymously by each student.
    1. The Office of Academic Affaires will assist with deployment of the EOC survey within the BlackBoard platform. As a best practice, the survey completion will be required to grant access to the course final exam. Students will be advised that the end of course survey is anonymous and will not identify the student. Students will be provided with an opportunity to opt out of the survey without penalty.
    2. End of Course Survey data will be collected and maintained within the Course Evaluations and Surveys platform.  Aggregated data is available to the appropriate supervisors for review and discussion with the faculty member.
    3. End of Course Survey performance ratings will be based on the following:
      1. Excellent
      2. Meets Expectations
      3. Needs Improvement
      4. Unacceptable
      5. Not Applicable
    4. End of Course Survey Reviews:
      1. Upon receiving End of Course Survey results, the supervisor and faculty member shall review the evaluation results with each faculty member, upon request.
      2. If the faculty received a rating of Needs Improvement, or Unacceptable in any category, the supervisor shall provide the faculty with a plan of action indicating the area(s) to improve, the assistance to be rendered, and a specific metric for determining improvement.
  3. Annual Performance Reviews: Every full time and part time faculty will complete an annual performance review with their supervisor.
    1. The annual performance review process begins with a self-assessment and goal planning meeting between the faculty and their immediate supervisor. Prior performance will guide this discussion.
    2. The faculty performance cycle is based on a calendar year, beginning in January of each year.
    3. A midpoint review will be conducted assessing progress towards goals and performance measures. The mid-point review is an opportunity for the faculty member and their supervisor to assess progress towards the annual performance goals. This mid-point review must be conducted in July.
    4. For new faculty hired after January and prior to the first day of July, they will complete the review and self-assessment and goal planning meeting in July with their supervisor. Faculty in this hiring cycle will complete the evaluation cycle in December along with the other faculty.
    5. For new Faculty hired after the first day of July, they will participate in the next January Faculty Performance Cycle.
    6. The Office of the VPPA will manage the annual Faculty Performance Cycle.
Observation Cycle 

Initial Ongoing
New Hires 1st Term at FNU Once per Semester

Existing Faculty N/A Once per Semester
Annual Performance Review Schedule

Self-Assessment and Goal Planning Mid-Point Review Final Performance Review and Evaluation
New Hires

January 1 to June 30 July N/A December
July 1 to December 31 January July December
Existing Faculty January July December
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