3.5 Policy Concerning Teaching Loads

The faculty of FNU individually contracts with the institution regarding individual teaching loads. To be considered full-time, a faculty member must teach a minimum of 18 credit hours per semester. This can be in a full semester or across the two 8-week terms that comprise a semester at FNU depending on program structure. In certain programmatically accredited disciplines, full-time 40-hour faculty may not teach this course load, but still maintain full time activity related to their program.

The adjunct faculty of FNU individually contracts with the institution regarding individual teaching loads. To be considered part-time, an adjunct faculty member cannot teach more than 17 credit hours per semester. This can be in a Full Semester or across the two 8-week terms that comprise a semester at FNU depending on program structure. Adjunct faculty, those working less than 32 hours per week, are not entitled to benefits. It is the preferred practice of the institution to review and consider adjunct faculty for full-time faculty roles, as they become available.

Division Heads, Department Heads, Program Directors, and faculty members are responsible for academic advisement with students in their respective programs. This is in addition to the academic advising provided by the academic advisors that are full time, and available to the students. Each faculty member will post advisement hours on their syllabi, in Blackboard, and will keep their students informed of their availability. The institution sets aside two hours per week of paid time for student advisement by faculty. Faculty are encouraged to make themselves available to students daily to answer questions and provide academic guidance as needed, and every course offered at the institution has a corresponding Blackboard course to support faculty student interaction. Faculty should only use officially provided FNU email accounts to communicate with students. The use of personal email accounts is prohibited for the conduct of FNU activities between faculty and students.

All full-time faculty members are expected to serve on one of the institution’s permanent committees. The individual faculty member may ask for and will be assigned to a particular committee until that committee is staffed, or when other committees are not in need of members.

Full-time faculty members are expected to serve as advisors to student organizations. They may serve as advisors to the Student Government Association, other student organizations, or any other program, departmental or course-related student activities. Faculty members are encouraged, most strongly, to develop student organizations or activities relevant to their courses or programs.

All full-time faculty are required to attend commencement exercises, and adjunct faculty are encouraged to participate.

Full-time faculty working part-time/adjunct at another institution must disclose this information to the VP of Academics Affairs. Full-time faculty may not refuse course assignments to maintain secondary employment elsewhere. Failure to obtain the proper approvals for secondary employment, or an inability to meet the full-time obligations of the faculty role, will result in progressive discipline, up to and including termination. (See Section 19.4 Outside Employment.)

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