3.7 Faculty Mentoring Program

The purpose of this voluntary program is to provide support services and assistance to new faculty as they embark on their teaching assignments at FNU. This program is not meant to be a substitute for the existing faculty orientation.

Goals of the program:

  1. Help new faculty members to:
    1. Learn about FNU, the support and resources available.
    2. Adjust to the new work environment and become active members of the university.
    3. Address questions, concerns, and special needs.
    4. Gain insight about teaching and career development
  2. Encourage department/division head and/or experienced faculty to:
    1. Share their knowledge and experience with new faculty
    2. Assist new faculty to adjust quickly to the campus and address their unique needs, concerns, or questions
    3. Help shape the careers of new faculty and make them a part of the institution.

Responsibilities of new faculty:

  1. Schedule the time to foster the mentoring relationship and interacting with the mentor often.
  2. Making use of the opportunities provided by the mentor.
  3. Keeping the mentor informed of academic progress, difficulties, and concerns,
  4. Exchanging ideas and experiences with the mentor.
  5. Seek help and support when needed.

Responsibilities of faculty mentor:

  1. Schedule the time to foster the mentoring relationship and interacting with the mentee often.
  2. Develop a mentoring plan that is collaboratively derived with the mentee’s stated needs.
  3. Monitor the mentee’s academic progress, course planning, and student interactions, as needed.
  4. Exchanging ideas and experiences with the mentee.
  5. Keep track of the hours spent with the mentee, providing the amount of mentorship approved by the Division/Department Head. Faculty mentors are assigned based on their experience and willingness to serve as a mentor. Approved mentors are allotted additional hours for this task as part of their Service Agreement.
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