3.2 Faculty Candidate Hiring Process

The following process indicates the steps required to hire a new faculty member into any division, department or program. The Office of the Vice President of Academic Affairs must be included in all aspects of the process.

  1. Submit Job Requisition Form.
  2. Human Resources and the Division Head will review resumes or CVs (preferred) and unofficial transcripts. Based on this review of credentials. Division Heads will prepare the Request for Faculty Authorization form and submit it to the Office of Academic Affairs. The Request for Faculty Authorization details what courses the candidate is appropriately credentialed and qualified to teach. The Office of Academic Affairs will review the Request for Faculty Authorization, Resume/CV and unofficial transcripts of the qualified candidates, prior to scheduling an interview.
  3. When possible, through a personal or automated response, let the candidate know that their application has been received and if their qualifications match the needs of FNU. The university’s Human Resources department will set up an interview.
  4. Conduct candidate interviews including one individual from the following offices: Office of Academic Affairs, Office of VP of Operations, Division Head, Department Head/Program Director, and Human Resources.
  5. Each candidate must conduct a 15-minute presentation in person or through an online platform on a topic within their respective field, or in the field in which they are expected to instruct at FNU. The Office of Academic Affairs, Division Head and Department Head/Program Director will be present. The University President will be invited to attend the final candidate presentation. Each person in the presentation will complete the Candidate Teach Rubric to assess the candidate’s level of teaching skill.
  6. The Human Resources department will follow the Faculty Handbook pre-employment policies including contacting candidate’s references to properly vet the potential faculty member. The Office of Academic Affairs must receive the qualified candidate’s Official Transcripts and Request for Faculty Authorization prior to the candidate being offered a position.
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