3.6 Faculty Orientation

Once hired, and prior to being assigned the first teaching assignment, each Division Head holds an orientation. This orientation is for the purpose of acquainting the new faculty member with FNU’s Academic policies and procedures. This orientation includes an introduction to the necessary documentation required by the Office of the Registrar, and the use of the syllabus through Simple Syllabus. The new faculty member also receives training on the use of Simple Syllabus, with guidelines concerning the revision and updating of their own syllabus.

The Faculty Orientation Program features:

  1. Keeping accurate records for the different reports submitted throughout the semester: The person in charge of the orientation points out the need of a faculty member to keep accurate records to report whether a student is attending class and for reporting a student’s academic progress. Each instructor is accountable for turning all reports in on time.
  2. Training will be done for CampusNexus, FNU’s student records management software.
  3. Training will be done for the Faculty Portal.
  4. The necessity of submitting to the Registrar’s all reports, in an accurate and timely manner including progress reports and final course grades.
  5. The grading scale and its use.
  6. Training will be done in the LIRN system utilized by FNU.
  7. The Division Head explains the methods of developing and the necessity for developing a good learning climate in the classroom.

The faculty are acquainted with the various methods and techniques of classroom motivation: questioning techniques, techniques of involvement, contact hours, faculty and student ID cards, medical uniforms, etc.

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