3.1 Faculty Expectations

When bringing new faculty on staff, Florida National University encourages that they be first focused on students. They must also be scholars in their field of study. In saying this, FNU implies several things:

  1. FNU expects its teaching faculty to be people of dedication to their discipline. This dedication is shown in many ways:
    1. The faculty must be updated and informed in their field of study.
    2. The faculty must be active in their field of study.
    3. The faculty should be a member of professional organizations in their field of study.
    4. The faculty must attend those professional seminars, conferences, conventions, etc., offered by the professional organizations to which they belong to enhance expertise in their field of study.
  2. That the faculty be committed to the teaching discipline. That is, the faculty must:
    1. have a deep interest in the welfare and intellectual progress of their students.
    2. be cognizant of the environment and proper management of the classroom.
    3. have a real understanding and commitment to grow in the practice of teaching.
    4. understand and put into practice the proper techniques and methodologies necessary to instill in their students the knowledge required to successfully complete the course.
    5. be proactive in developing one’s teaching abilities and capabilities in the latest educational techniques and methodologies through in-service training, academic lectures, seminars, conferences, etc.
    6. pursue the research necessary to enhance courses and inform students with topical, relevant information.
  3. Faculty are encouraged to publish and disseminate research results which will benefit academia.
    1. The faculty should consider research and inquiry into their particular field of study and into the methodologies of education.
    2. The faculty should consider publication of research results as enriching to themselves, their field of study, and academia.
    3. The faculty should consider collaboration with colleagues on common projects and research studies, and view collaboration as integral to their own research and educational growth.
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