15.8 No Expectation of Privacy

Users shall not have any expectation of privacy in connection with their use of the IT Resources. The University expressly reserves the right to audit and monitor all data, electronic communications, and the use of all IT Resources. All employee electronic communications and data transmitted through the IT Resources that relate to university operations are the property of the University. No employee electronic communications or data transmitted through the IT Resources, even if personal in nature, are private or confidential to the employee transmitting or receiving such communications and may be disclosed and produced to third parties in connection with any information disclosure that encompasses or includes (inadvertently or otherwise) such transmissions. The University has the right to monitor and review all electronic communications always transmitted through the IT Resources. Users are responsible for the content of their electronic communications. All employee electronic communications transmitted through the IT Resources that relate to university operations are considered the University’s business records and may be discoverable in the event of litigation. Notwithstanding anything contained in this paragraph, the University reserves all its respective rights with respect to its confidential, private, non-public, and/or proprietary information. The University reserves the right to monitor, log, and review a record of all websites and internet addresses visited through the IT Resources by any user, along with all content pertaining thereto.

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