15.2 Compliance Statement

The University complies with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, and nothing contained herein is intended to be a violation of those laws. The terms of this Policy shall yield to applicable law where required. Without limitation, this Policy is not intended to prevent employees from engaging in legally protected activities and is not intended to restrict communications or actions protected by applicable law. Nothing herein is designed or intended to curtail activities under Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended.

The University requires that all Users act responsibly in using the IT Resources, and do so in compliance with all applicable laws, administrative rules and regulations, all University policies, and all contractual and license agreements. Users are responsible for the appropriate, ethical, and lawful use of the IT Resources, and for taking reasonable precautions to secure all IT Resources used by them. Users are responsible for reporting to the Administrator or a direct supervisor (in the case of employees) malfunctioning equipment or applications, inappropriate uses of the IT Resources, unauthorized activity, and any suspected or actual breaches of security, and are responsible for assisting in the resolution of such matters. Users are responsible for promptly reporting to the University in writing any suspicion or occurrence of any unauthorized activity (as outlined herein) as it may pertain to the IT Resources. The duties and obligations imposed by this Policy shall be in addition to and not a limitation of any duties or obligations otherwise imposed by applicable law or rule.

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