15.10 Prohibited Activities

The IT Resources may only be used for lawful and appropriate purposes, and in accordance with this Policy. The below activities are strictly prohibited in connection with the IT Resources, and the University additionally may deem any other activity prohibited from time to time, as determined in the University’s sole discretion.

  1. Accessing or attempting to access IT Resources:
    1. without the University’s authorization; or
    2. that are beyond a user’s access rights or are the private files of another.
  2. Sharing login credentials, and/or using someone else’s login credentials (login ID and/or password).
  3. Performing any act that does, that is intended to, or that is reasonably likely to, violate or circumvent the integrity, security, or access controls of, gain unauthorized access to, or interfere with, damage, disrupt, disable, overburden, or impair the IT Resources, or the systems of any other individual or entity.
  4. Using any device, software, method, or routine that analyzes network performance or security, monitors or copies network traffic or resources, circumvents or removes software copy protection, reveals or uncovers passwords, identifies or probes security holes or vulnerabilities, decrypts files without authorization or without the proper decryption key/password, exposes or weakens computer security methods, interferes with or attempts to interfere with the proper working of the IT Resources.
  5. Circumventing or attempting to circumvent security, access controls, content filters, firewalls, digital rights management, or encryption.
  6. Altering, damaging, attempting to alter or damage, or performing any act which reasonably could alter or damage any of the IT Resources or the property of another (including but not limited to making changes to any computer or network settings, downloading or installing programs, or opening any device).
  7. Altering, copying, or moving any University data without authorization from administration, except where such activity is directly connected to job-related duties (such as with copying/cutting and pasting information while working with a file).
  8. Transmitting, storing, or retrieving:
    1. any sensitive, proprietary, and/or confidential University data (or disclosing any University data which is not otherwise public) outside of the University and/or to anyone not reasonably authorized to obtain such University data.
    2. media such as music and video, if such conduct reasonably interferes with the learning experience of any student, the job performance of any employee, or the quiet enjoyment of either.
    3. any data that is defamatory, discriminatory, abusive, offensive, sexually explicit, pornographic, racist, obscene, indecent, profane, violent, hateful, harassing or bullying, or that is reasonably likely to be deemed by anyone as containing such content, or that could give rise to civil or criminal liability under applicable laws, rules, or regulations; or
    4. any material that violates the rights of another, including but not limited to any intellectual property rights.
  9. Transmitting:
    1. any spam, junk mail, chain letter, unsolicited commercial email, or any other similar email, except with prior express written permission from the Administrator in connection with official University operations, and in compliance with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations.
    2. any communication which is deceptive, contains a falsified or misleading header or header information, or an alias sender, or which impersonates or attempts to impersonate any other person or entity; or
    3. any communication that purports to be or could reasonably be interpreted to be an official communication of the University, without the prior express written permission from the Administrator, or representing a user’s opinion as that of the University.
  10. Introducing or propagating computer viruses or malicious code into or from the IT Resources, using the IT Resources to conduct or participate in a denial-of-service attack, or using the IT Resources in a way that disrupts, degrades, restricts, inhibits, or interferes with its use by others.
  11. Playing video games.
  12. Violating any local, state, or federal laws, or any administrative regulations, rules, or policies, or performing any act which is reasonably likely to result in the violation of same.
  13. Violating any software license agreements or committing software piracy.
  14. Operating, promoting, marketing, or maintaining a private business or any commercial activity.
  15. With respect to any internet site (including but not limited to any social media site or platform), establishing any identity that purports to be or could reasonably be interpreted to be an official identity of the University, without the prior express written permission from the Administrator.
  16. Installing or downloading software of any kind, except where approved in advance by the Administrator or where installed on a personally owned device.
  17. Accepting any End User License Agreements or the terms and conditions of any other software or service agreements on behalf of the University, including website agreements, without first obtaining the written approval of the Administrator.
  18. Removing from the University’s premises any IT Resources (except for those Users assigned laptop computers or other portable devices intended for such purpose, and in such instances only for such assigned devices).
  19. Deleting or altering University data, except where such alteration is directly connected to job-related duties (such as with the editing of a file).
  20. Interfering with, degrading, or impairing another User’s permitted use and enjoyment of the IT Resources.
  21. Connecting any personally owned device or storage medium to any of the IT Resources, except when connecting to a public University wireless internet access point solely for the purpose of obtaining internet access.
  22. Performing, conducting, promoting, soliciting, or assisting in any fraudulent or illegal activities, including but in no way limited to:
    1. gambling,
    2. trafficking in humans, drugs, or weapons,
    3. exploiting or harming, or attempting to exploit or harm, any person,
    4. participating in terrorist activities,
    5. participating in any pyramid or Ponzi schemes, or
    6. attempting or gaining unauthorized entry into any computer system, whether part of the IT Resources or otherwise
  23. Using the IT Resources in any manner that:
    1. interferes with either the learning experience (as to a student) or the job performance (as to an employee) of the University; or
    2. violates any other policy or procedure of the University.
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