15.7 IT Resource and Data Ownership; Use of the IT Resources

All IT Resources are the property of the University. All forms of data produced by the University and its employees, including data produced on or with the IT Resources, that relate to university operations, are the property of the University, and are considered confidential and proprietary. Users are entitled to use the IT Resources only for purposes related to their employment or studies at the University. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Users may access the internet for personal use (web browsing, checking personal email), provided that (a) employees may not use the IT Resources for any such purposes during working hours, and (b) the IT Resources may not be used for commercial purposes unrelated to the operation of the University at any time. All IT Resources used while employed by the University must be returned to the University upon termination of employment, or earlier as may be determined by administration, along with any credentials necessary for the University to continue using the respective IT Resource without interruption. Deleting and/or inappropriately altering or sharing of data, whether during or after employment by the University, is strictly prohibited. Data produced by students shall be the property of the respective student, unless another University policy states that such data shall be the property of the University.

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