15.13 Electronic Mail

Employees and students are provided with email accounts by the University. These email accounts are provided through a third-party provider, and all information pertaining to these accounts (including the electronic mail messages themselves, and any attachments thereto) may be located at remote locations maintained and controlled by a third-party provider. By using an electronic mail account provided by the University, Users agree to the terms of use and privacy policies of the University’s third-party providers. Users should avoid opening unsolicited messages and report any suspicious messages to the Administrator. Users should delete all spam immediately, and not reply to any such messages in any way, even if the message states that you can request to be removed from its distribution list. If you continue to receive such messages, contact the Administrator who can block any incoming messages from that address or domain. Employee electronic mail is subject to Section 15.8 No Expectation of Privacy of this Policy.

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