8.9 Job Postings

FNU provides all employees an opportunity to indicate interests in open positions and advance within the organization according to their skills and experience. Job openings will be sent via email to all employees and will normally remain open for five (5) days. FNU reserves the right to advertise externally during the posting period.

In general, notices of all regular full - and part-time job openings are posted. FNU does, however, reserve the right not to post a particular opening. For example, management may decide to promote an internal employee during the natural progression of the employee’s career.

To be eligible to apply for a posted job, you must have completed six (6) months of service and have performed competently in your current position.

If you have a written warning on file, or are on probation, you are not eligible to apply for posted jobs.

You can only apply for those posted jobs for which you possess the required skills, competencies and qualifications. These eligibility requirements may be waived at the discretion of management/president.

To apply for an open position, fill out an existing employee application, which is available from the Human Resources Department. Describe how your current experience with FNU and prior work experience and/or education qualify you for the position. Submit the completed form to the Human Resources Department.

An applicant’s supervisor/manager will be contacted to verify performance, skills and attendance. Any staffing limitations or other circumstances that might affect a prospective transfer may also be considered in making a final decision.

FNU recognizes the benefits of developmental experiences and encourages you to talk to your supervisor/manager about your plans.

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