8.8 Vacations

Full-time faculty members will be entitled to 32 hours paid vacation, upon completion of a full year of employment, 64 hours of vacation time with the completion of two years of full employment, and 96 hours of vacation upon completion of three years of full employment with the institution. Vacation days are granted in a lump sum on the first day of the new anniversary year. Vacation time may only be taken during the August break and the December break, and may not be taken during his/her resignation notice period. Vacation requests need to be completed through the ADP system. Instructors need to fulfill their service agreements. They are not allowed to arrange for vacations during the term.

No employee should pay for any vacation travel arrangements until after the vacations have been approved. FNU will not be responsible for any pre-payments, penalties, cancellation fees, or other costs associated with the unapproved vacation time.

Vacations cannot be carried over from year to year. Accumulated vacation is to be taken before your next anniversary date of hire. This is a “use it or lose it policy”; there is no annual accrual of accumulated unused vacation time. It is your responsibility to ensure that you take all earned vacation each year. If you are not sure whether you have vacation days due, check with your supervisor or the Human Resources Department before you plan for your vacation.

If an employee resigns in bad standing or fails to provide at least two (2) weeks’ notice, or if FNU, in its sole discretion, terminates you for Cause, unused accumulated vacation time will not be paid out.

Employees who fail to return to work after exhausting all available time off shall be considered to have voluntarily resigned.

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