8.11 Educational Assistance Program

FNU recognizes that the skills and knowledge of its employees are critical to the success of the Institution.

The Educational Assistance Program encourages personal development through formal education so employees can maintain and improve job-related skills or enhance their ability to compete for reasonably attainable job within the Institution.

FNU will provide educational assistance to all regular full-time employees who have completed one year of service. To maintain eligibility, employees must remain on the active payroll and be performing their job satisfactorily through completion of each course.

Reimbursement will be made on the basis of academic achievement. The following illustrates the reimbursement in relation to grades:

Grade Reimbursement
A or B 75%
C 50%
D or below 0%

Individual courses or courses that are part of a degree, licensing or certification program must be related to the employee’s current job duties or a foreseeable-future position in the organization in order to be eligible for educational assistance. FNU has the sole discretion to determine whether a course relates to an employee’s current job duties or a foreseeable-future position.

An employee will not be eligible for tuition reimbursement and must notify Human Resources in writing if they withdraw from an approved course or if the approved course is cancelled.

Active employees will have three (3) months from the time they are finished with their coursework, to request tuition reimbursement.

While educational assistance is expected to enhance employees’ performance and professional abilities, FNU cannot guarantee that participation in formal education will entitle the employee to automatic advancement, a different job assignment or a pay increase.

To receive reimbursement for job-related courses or seminars:

  1. Management must approve all courses prior to enrollment.
  2. Reimbursement will be for tuition only. Fees, books, and room and board will not be reimbursed.
  3. Reimbursement will be made only after the individual submits evidence of satisfactory completion of the course
  4. Reimbursement will be made only in the cases where prior approval of the course of study has been authorized by the President.
  5. Reimbursement will be made for both graduate and undergraduate study.
  6. The individual must seek all available forms of financial aid. Reimbursement will be based on the applicable percentage of the net cost after deducting financial aid.
  7. Courses graded on a Pass/Fail basis will be considered as a B grade if a P grade is received.
  8. Reimbursement will not be made for credits received for “life experience.”
  9. A maximum of one thousand (1,000) dollars will be reimbursed during a calendar year, unless otherwise negotiated with the President of the University
  10. An employee must have at least one year of service with the University prior to the institution incurring any tuition expenses.

Seminars: Proof of attendance and a receipt for fees paid must be submitted to management.

Courses: Documentation of course completion, fees paid, and final grade must be submitted to management.

Employees should contact their supervisor and the Human Resources Department for more information or questions about educational assistance.

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