4.1 The Office of Academic Affairs

The Office of Academic Affairs (AA) is organized for the administration of academics and to provide the highest quality education for our students. This office is comprised of the Vice President of Academic Affairs, the University Registrar, Academic Leadership, Faculty, and the University Librarian. FNU values the contribution of faculty to achieving the overall mission and strategic goals of the University.

The Vice President of Academic Affairs (VPAA) provides executive leadership and directs all academic functions of FNU. The VPAA is a member of the President’s Cabinet along with the Vice President of Operations, the Comptroller, and the Vice President of Assessment and Research.

The Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs (AVPAA) assists the VPAA in the proper functioning and evaluation of the academic divisions and provides support to the VPAA in the coordination and supervision of all aspects pertaining to academic affairs. The AVPAA serves as advisor to the VPAA, and as requested, acts on behalf of the VPAA.

Division Heads evaluate the academic outcome of the Division and oversee and ensure the proper functioning of the Division which they supervise. They work through the Office of AA to maintain the effective operation of their academic division, including the selection, training, and continuous development of faculty. They are responsible for ensuring that the Division meets its obligations to students, by monitoring and enhancing the quality of the education environment in each course.

Department Heads/Program Directors provide guidance to all instructors in the implementation of class policies and procedures. It is also the responsibility of a department head to evaluate the faculty and the academic programs within the department. The department heads are also invested with the responsibility to supervise and mentor faculty within their departments.

Campus Deans provide operational guidance in support of operational functions. Campus Deans serve the Vice President of Operations in the fiscal and operational needs of their assigned campus.

Associate Deans and Assistant Deans provide operational support to their Campus Deans.

The University Registrar provides management of the registrars, ensures proper academic scheduling, and monitors academic and operational goals as related to their office. The University Registrar serves in a supporting role to the VPAA.

The University Library Director provides management and coordination to the campus librarians, while being responsible for the overall operation of the library services provided at FNU. The University Library Director serves in a supporting role to the VPAA.

Academic Advisors provide academic advisement to students who are needing assistance with scheduling, academic progression, and other issues related to their matriculation at FNU. The Academic Advisors serve in a supporting role to the VPAA.

The foundation of any university is the faculty, who along with students and administration, constitute the university. Without a dedicated, scholarly faculty, a university is merely a collection of buildings.

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