
Attendance of the entire class period and punctuality to all classes, laboratories and clinical experiences is mandatory. Attendance and punctuality comprise a portion of each course grade.

Students arriving to class later than 15 minutes after the class start time must have a late entry slip as noted in the Faculty Handbook and wait to enter class until a break period, or when deemed permissible by the instructor, so as not to disrupt the class. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain the information missed, due to tardiness, from fellow classmates.

Any student absent the day of an announced quiz or exam or for greater than 2 consecutive days will be requested to present a valid excuse from a licensed physician or other appropriate authority unless other pre-approved arrangements are made with the instructor, PD or DCE.

Mandatory clinical practicums are assigned to each student. It is the student’s responsibility to arrange transportation to any clinical facility.

In the case of an absence from a clinical, it is the obligation of the student to give the clinical instructor and DCE at least 1 hour notice on days of anticipated absence. After the second absence the student will be required to make-up the missed clinical hours or complete additional assignments at the discretion of the CI and DCE. If the student is absent 3 or more days from a clinical practicum, they will be considered a candidate for dismissal from the clinical experience which would result in failure of that course requiring remediation. Each case will be evaluated at the discretion of the DCE in consultation with the CI and/or SCCE.

If absence from a scheduled class or laboratory session is anticipated, the instructor of that course must be notified directly by the student (not a friend or family member) and prior to the anticipated absence. Failure to do so will result in the student’s inability to make up any missed assignments or exams, unless the student provides evidence of extenuating circumstances.

If a student is absent greater than 5 days in a semester, the student will be dismissed from the program unless student provides documentation from a licensed Physician or appropriate authority proving evidence of extenuating circumstances.

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