Student Placement Procedures
In order to keep the clinical sites organized and up-to-date, the DCE will maintain a Clinical Sites Spreadsheet in an ongoing manner. The DCE will make contact with the site approximately one year before the start of the Clinical Practicum in order to reserve a student placement for the exact time frame needed. Then two months prior to student placement for Clinical Practicum 2, the DCE will use the spreadsheet to determine the program’s available clinical slots. Each site will once again be contacted by the DCE to confirm their availability and readiness to accept students using the Student Clinical Experience Site Confirmation. Students will then be placed at clinical sites using the selection process detailed on the next page.
**Update 2016: As per the Florida Consortium of Clinical Educators (FCCE) all schools in Florida will submit requests to clinics for the next year’s rotations in March.
Once the student is placed, the DCE provides the SCCE and CI with a copy of the following documents 6 weeks prior to initiation of the Practicum:
- PTA Program Clinical Education Handbook (verified return of the Policy Receipt Acknowledgement)
- Student Clinical Packet
- Guidelines for Self-Assessment for Clinical Education
- Guidelines: Clinical Instructor
- PTA CPI Web Instructions for a CI and Quick Start Guide for the APTA Learning Center (if the CI has not completed the training course previously)
Students are obligated to contact their assigned CI no sooner than two weeks prior to the start of the clinical experience and submit the Clinical Experience Student Confirmation to the DCE as a final confirmation of the assigned CI and other relevant information.