Skills Checks

The skills check policy for the PTA Program utilizes a three-attempts maximum process for all skills. The nuances of this process depends on whether the student is performing low or moderate to high level skills. The process for each skill level – Green, Yellow, Orange, and Red – is further described below.

Low Level Skills – the following skills are graded on an individual basis in a group setting.

Green Level Skills – those skills with minimal complexity and minimal to no risk for patient injury if performed poorly. These skills are tested during class time as a lab activity and will be checked-off on a checklist. Students will receive 10 points for passing the skill. If the student does not pass the skill during the lab activity, they will retest the skill at a time determined by the professor. Three points will be deducted for each attempt to pass the skill. If the student cannot pass the skill in three attempts, the student will be required to demonstrate competence on the skill during the applicable lab exam and subject to the lab exam policies for passing the skill. Inability to do so may result in the student’s dismissal from the program.

Yellow Level Skills – those skills with minimal to moderate complexity and minimal risk for patient injury if performed poorly. These skills are tested during class time as group skills check using a skills specific rubric that is provided to the students at minimum a week in advance. Students will be randomly broken up in to groups at the end of, or immediately following, class time and will be required to demonstrate competence in the skill. Students will receive 20 points for passing the skill on the first attempt. If the student does not pass the skill during the group skills check, they will retest the skill at a time determined by the professor. Five points will be deducted for each attempt to pass the skill. If the student cannot pass the skill in three attempts, the student will be required to demonstrate competence on the skill during the applicable lab exam and subject to the lab exam policies for passing the skill. Inability to do so may result in the student’s dismissal from the program.

Moderate to High Level Skills - the following skills require peers to sign-off on a fellow peer’s competency in that skill. In order to hold all group members accountable for confirming through their signature that their peer is competent, a group grading scale will be utilized. The grading scale is described in each skill level. The three-attempt maximum applies to both orange and red level skills. **Some skills are identified as orange or red level skills not necessarily related to patient risk but instead related to the skill complexity or individualized attention required by the professor during skill testing.

Orange Level Skills – those skills with moderate complexity and moderately increased risk for patient injury if performed poorly. The skills specific rubric will be provided to the students a week in advance. Students are required to have two peers from their assigned group sign-off on their ability to perform the skill competently prior to testing before an instructor using the rubric provided. The entire group will come before the instructor for the skills check. Each student in the group will draw from the set of skills and perform that skill in front of their group members. The group will be graded as a whole. If a single member of the group fails to demonstrate competently the set of skills drawn, the entire group’s grade will be affected. If one or more group members must retake the skills, the individual(s), who failed, will redo the initially failed skill and will draw an additional skill to demonstrate. The entire group will be present during all repeat attempts. The third attempt will consist of all skills in the skill set. The individual student will have three attempts to pass each Orange level skill set before being dismissed from the program. The group will receive 30 points if all group members pass the skill(s) on the first attempt, 20 points if all group members pass on the second attempt, and 10 points if all group members pass on the third attempt. If a group member is dismissed after failing on the 3rd attempt, the remaining group members will receive 5 points for that skill set.

Red Level Skills – those skills with high complexity and moderate to high risk for patient injury if performed poorly. Students are required to have two peers from their assigned group sign-off on their ability to perform the skill competently prior to testing before an instructor. The students will be tested by the instructor on Red level skills on a one-on-one. The student will perform the skill(s) identified on the skills check scenario and will be graded using a skills-specific rubric that is provided to the students at minimum one week in advance. If one or more group members must retake the skill, the individual(s), who failed, will redo the initially failed skill and will draw an additional skill to demonstrate. The third attempt will consist of all skills in the skill set. The individual student will have three attempts to pass each Red level skill before being dismissed from the program. The group will receive 30 points if all members pass the skills on the first attempt, 20 points if even one member requires and passes on a second attempt, and 10 points if even one member requires and passes on a the third attempt. If a group member is dismissed after failing on the 3rd attempt, the remaining group members will receive 5 points for that skill set.

Grade Summary Table for Skills Checks

Skill Level Attempt #1 Attempt #2 Attempt #3 Fail 3rd Attempt
Green 10 points 7 points 4 points 0 points
Defer to lab exam policy
Yellow 20 points 15 points 10 points 0 points
Defer to lab exam policy
Orange 30 points 20 points 10 points Dismissal – Group members 5 points
Red 30 points 20 points 10 points Dismissal – Group members 5 points
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