18.3 In Case of an Emergency

Upon the discovery of fire, smoke, the suspicion of either or any other emergency, dial 911. The first concern in an emergency is the general welfare of our employees and students. If there is ever any doubt as to whether you should call the police, the fire department, or for an ambulance, call 911. Evacuate the building when requested to do so. If an evacuation is ordered, no one is to remain in the building except designated personnel.

In case of an emergency, employees should:

  1. Remain calm and not panic.
  2. Expeditiously collect purses, wallets, small valuables (if time permits).
  3. Push chairs in to not obstruct a clear passage.
  4. Walk, not run, to the designated exit.
  5. Grab “designated” documents/binders/paperwork according to your job responsibility in emergency situations (if time permits).

Fire Prevention. No smoking is allowed within the University premises. In medical and dental labs, safety procedures taught must be practiced. Electrical equipment must be kept in good working order. There should be:

  1. no frayed cords
  2. no wires exposed
  3. no flammable materials stored inappropriately

Fire Control Plan. All University members shall be aware of the nearest exit in case of fire and where the fire extinguishers nearest to them are.

  1. The Evacuation Plan is posted in each office and classroom.
  2. Telephone number of fire department is posted. (Dial 911.)
  3. Twice a year a fire drill will be conducted.
  4. If the fire alarm sounds, the building must be evacuated.

In Case of Fire or Fire Drill:

  1. Persons discovering a fire will immediately call 911,then inform the Campus Dean.
  2. If evacuation of the building is deemed immediately necessary, Campus authorities will pull the fire alarm.
  3. In each class, the faculty member will keep order and escort students through the nearest exit. Nobody should lock any classroom doors during this procedure.
  4. All other persons will walk to the nearest exit in silence and in an orderly fashion.
  5. Each faculty member will close the door, leave it unlocked, and turn on the lights of his/her own classroom on way out.
  6. Ensure that you have the classroom emergency phone and the class roster.
  7. Gather your belongings if it is safe.
  8. Faculty needs to verify that all students have left their corresponding classroom and vacate the premise through the primary route.
  9. All emergency escape routes are clearly labeled, and staff and faculty are familiar with each.
  10. Do not use the elevators.
  11. Retreat to the assembly area at least fifty (50) feet away from the building.
  12. Ensure that the students do not block the fire line.
  13. Make sure that your students remain with you until attendance is taken.
  14. Notify the Dean whether any student is missing.
  15. Remain at least fifty (50) feet away from the building until receiving clearance from the Dean that the building is secure.
  16. Reenter the building through the correspondent door.
  17. Fire extinguishers, adequate for the number of people in the building, are easily accessible and in plain view.
  18. In the event of the Campus Dean’s absence, the Assistant Dean will take responsibility. All faculty present will hold joint responsibility for safety procedures.
  19. Seriously injured students will be transported immediately to the closest trauma center.
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