18.1 Health and Safety

The University campuses will be maintained according to good standards of health and safety, orderliness and quiet.

  1. Health. Cleanliness and sanitation are the basis of good health.
    1. The Maintenance Department will see that this transpires throughout the campuses.
    2. Every staff member will contribute his or her share to the daily fulfillment of this goal.
    3. Smoking is prohibited within the buildings.
    4. Drugs and alcohol are prohibited on all FNU premises and properties. Detection of their use will be cause for dismissal.
  2. Safety
    1. Flammable materials will be properly labeled and stored with Material Safety Data Sheet.
    2. Exit doorways will be kept unobstructed.
    3. The maintenance departments personnel will, in performing their tasks, have the necessary tools, gadgets, and any other assistance to do their work within a maximum level of personal safety.
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