Originality Detection
Certain courses and instructors at FNU use services (including Turnitin) to check student assignments for originality including to detect plagiarism. FNU courses and instructors may also use other similar services from time to time. Turnitin has recommended that FNU provide its students with the following notice, which applies to each course or other activity that uses Turnitin: “Students agree that by taking this course all required papers may be subject to submission review for textual similarity and/or writing generated by artificial intelligence to Turnitin.com for the purpose of detection of unoriginal writing, including plagiarism (whether human written or generated by artificial intelligence). All submitted papers will be included as source documents in the Turnitin.com reference database solely for the purpose of detecting unoriginal writing, including plagiarism of such papers. Use of the Turnitin.com service is subject to the Turnitin Acceptable Use posted on the Turnitin.com website.” Other services in use by FNU operate in a similar manner, and by taking this course, students agree to the use of such services for the purpose of detecting plagiarism. If a service presents students choices about how their submitted assignments may be used, the student is responsible for any selection made. FNU reserves the right to submit any, all, or no student assignments to these services. FNU further reserves the right to modify or discontinue its use of these services at any time, or to replace or supplement these services with alternate or additional services that FNU deems appropriate for purposes of checking originality of work. Questions about this notice should be directed to the appropriate course instructor or to FNU administration.