Academic Grading System and Transcript Code Key

Official grades and their quality points equivalency at FNU are as shown on the table below. The final grade of a course shall be based on various criteria; however, the individual instructor establishes the weight of each assignment for determining the final grade and this information is given in the course syllabus of which every student shall receive a copy.


Letter Grade Numerical Value Quality Points
Superior Achievement A (90 – 100) 4.00
Very Good B+ (85 – 89) 3.50
Good B (80 – 84) 3.00
Above Average C+ (75 – 79) 2.50
Average C (70 – 74) 2.00
Passing D (60 - 69) 1.00
Failure F (0 – 59) 0.00
Satisfactory S ------- Passing grade for remedial courses
Unsatisfactory U ------- Failure grade for remedial courses
Incomplete I Student did not complete the required work for reasons accepted by the instructor.
Withdrawal Military WML Withdrawal for military students or their spouse
Withdrawal with Penalty WP Withdraws after the add-drop period
Withdrawal – no class Participation Module B WX Withdrawal with no class participation on Module B, will not be part of GPA.
Audit AU No grades; no quality points.
Transferred Credit TC Credit is granted for equivalent course; external or internal transferability.
Withdrawal with Failure WF Student did not complete the required class work.
Unsatisfactory Withdrawal WU Student did not complete the required class work for remedial courses.
Credit by Examination CE Subject to Registrar’s authorization.
Guided Studies GS Subject to Registrar’s authorization.
Placement by Testing PT For the ESL programs.

Failure (F)

An “F” is a grade; it counts for the GPA. It alters the completion date of the program; it also increases the student’s financial burden. An “F” may not be erased, but the course can be repeated to improve the GPA. The latest grade for the course prevails. A student may continue to receive federal financial aid for any course failed as long as the student is otherwise eligible.

In the Associate of Science in Nursing Program and the Associate of Science in Physical Therapist Assistant, the lowest acceptable grade is an 80% (B). Anything below an 80% is considered failure.

Incomplete (I)

Use of this grade is very restricted and only on the basis of extenuating circumstances in the judgment of the instructor. When a student is not able to complete the course requirements within the length of the course for reasons acceptable to the instructor, the instructor may assign an “Incomplete” on terms specified by the instructor. An “I” is valid for only one TERM; after this it becomes an “F.” During the waiting period, an “I” is listed as credit hours attempted, but not completed.

The instructor will prepare a modified final exam or an appropriate assignment and leave it in a sealed envelope with the department head or division head. The department head or division head or an instructor designated by them will proctor and score the exam in accordance with FNU policy. The same will apply to written papers waiting to be graded as part of a final grade.

The instructor may calculate the course average by using “0” for each of the components of the final grade that has not been satisfied. (The course syllabus will list the components of the final grade for that course, or the instructor will otherwise stipulate these).

Withdrawals (WP, WF, WU, WML)

Students desiring to withdraw formally from a class may do so within the add-drop period without penalty. A reduction in course load may keep the student from meeting minimum standards for satisfactory progress. Course withdrawals may also jeopardize the student’s financial aid eligibility, VA benefits, and program completion date.

The ADD/DROP period is the first week of the semester (TERM A) ending Thursday of that week.

During this time, you can add, change, or cancel classes, by following the procedure established. Classes withdrawn within this period will receive be unregistered from the student load.

Requests to change, add or cancel classes must be made in writing by means of the Cancel/Add form or the Class Change form found on the FNU website or at the Registrar’s Office. Any changes to your schedule must be approved by your Department/Division Head and a Cancel/Add form or Class Change form must be completed, signed, and turned into the Registrar’s Office. Distance Learning students must submit the completed form(s) to the Registrar’s Office via either e-mail to or fax at (305) 362-0595, Attention to: Registrar’s Office. Additional questions about the Distance Learning Department can be emailed to

No schedule changes will be accepted for the semester during Term B unless it is an emergency, and you will be charged for the change. For changes approved after the ADD/DROP period, the student will be charged $50.00 per change. If a student wants to change a class during Term B, it can only be done by substituting the class with another course carrying the same credit load and by paying the $50.00 fee. Please note that all changes carry a $50.00 fee even if it just a change of session.

Students starting in the University in Term B of the semester will be able to ADD/CHANGE classes during the first week of this term (until Thursday of that week).

Late Withdrawal: Any withdrawal after the Add-drop period incurs full financial obligation. The student will receive a “WP” if the withdrawal is made between the second week of classes up to the mid-term. “WP” does not affect GPA. “WF” is assigned after the midterm when the student does not complete the course requirements. “WF affects GPA. “WU” is assigned after the midterm, when the student does not complete the course requirements for remedial courses. “WU" does not affect GPA.

Withdrawal from the University

To officially withdraw from the University, the students must fill out a Withdrawal Form. This form is available at the Registrar’s Office or can be downloaded from the FNU website. It must be completely filled out and submitted to the Registrar’s Office. Distance Learning students must submit the completed form to the Registrar’s Office via either e-mail to or fax at (305) 362 0595, Attention to: Registrar’s Office. Additional questions about the Distance Learning Department can be emailed to

The student should meet with the Advising Office and his/her career advisor (Department or Division Head) before processing a withdrawal.

No withdrawal is official until the student receives an acknowledgement from the Registrar’s Office. Any withdrawal after the ADD/DROP period is subject to financial implications.

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