FNU Bookstore

Textbooks, workbooks, supplies and materials for most courses are available from the FNU Bookstore at the Hialeah or South Campus. Students who wish to purchase their books and supplies through the FNU Bookstore must pre-order them each semester.

*The process for ordering books and supplies through the bookstore is as follows:

  1. Send your order to bookstore@fnu.edu at least 7 days before the first day of class with the following information:
    1. Subject line “BOOKSTORE PRE-ORDER”;
    2. Student Name;
    3. Student ID;
    4. Payment method (“Title IV financial aid” or “other”);
    5. List of books and supplies ordered (to order all required and recommended materials for your courses, state “Order All Materials”).
    • To ensure your books and supplies order is received by the first week of class, you must send this notification at least 7 days before the first day of class. We cannot guarantee that materials associated with late orders will be received in time for the first week of class.
    • Students will be notified by bookstore@fnu.edu when their order is ready for pickup.
    • Students wishing to pay for books and supplies with Title IV financial aid must follow the instructions below (see #2). The bookstore will not place your order without a voucher from the Financial Aid Office.
    • All book and supply pre-orders are final. Orders cannot be canceled, and books and supplies cannot be returned or exchanged. A charge will appear on the student’s ledger card once the order is placed.
  2. Students wishing to use federal financial aid (Title IV) to pay for their books and supplies must pre-order their books as directed above and must call, visit or email the Financial Aid Office at least 10 days before the start of class each semester to request a voucher as described below.
    1. Students projected to have federal financial aid funds available beyond the tuition and fee charges to cover their books and supplies will be given a voucher to provide to the FNU bookstore.**
      1. Students who contact the Financial Aid Office at least 10 days before the start of class will receive a voucher by the first day of class or sooner. FNU will make every effort to process requests promptly, but cannot guarantee the timing of vouchers requested after this deadline.
    2. Students are not required to purchase their books and supplies from the University’s bookstore or to use a voucher. Students who wish to use federal financial aid to purchase books and supplies from another source should contact the Financial Aid Office to opt-out of the method described above. In this case, funds will be provided to the student by check, which will be available at the Bursar’s Office for pick-up within 21 days once FNU notifies the student or parent of the check’s availability. If the check is not picked up within 21 days, it will be mailed to the student or parent. For students opting out of the method described above, FNU cannot guarantee that a check will be provided in time to obtain books and supplies by the first week of class.
  3. *ESL Program Students: Students in English as a Second Language (ESL) programs do not need to pre-order their books and supplies and federal financial aid funds will generally not be available for ESL program books or supplies.

    **Nursing Program Students: Information about required course materials and supplies for Nursing students will be provided by the Nursing Division. For admitted students, some required materials must be purchased by the start of the student’s first semester. Nursing students who wish to use federal financial aid (Title IV) funds to purchase their course materials should contact the Financial Aid Office at least 10 days before orientation. To be able to use Title IV funds, students must be projected to have funds available beyond their tuition and fee charges, as determined by the Financial Aid Office. Nursing program materials and supplies are not available through the FNU Bookstore. Nursing students will be provided a voucher to present to the Bursar’s Office and/or Nursing Division.

    **Dental Program Students: Some required Dental program materials are not available in the bookstore. Students who wish to use federal financial aid for these materials will be given an additional voucher to take to a local dental supply store.

    Florida National University provides books and supplies at its bookstore as a service to students. FNU also offers an e-bookstore, which can be accessed at https://www.fnubookstore.com. Students are not required to use either service, and may instead obtain their books and supplies independently. Many materials can be ordered from online sellers. Additional tips and information about purchasing materials can be found at https://www.fnu.edu/textbook-rental-purchasing-apps/.

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